Not many strangers come along here.
So please take your time.

This is the website of a developer called stablestud
Just wander through the page, no traps are set!

Find Out More

It's me stablestud

I'm a passionated hobby developer with a quite stable knowledge in bash, a bit of html + its subsidies and some loose pieces of Java.

However my straightforward tools to handle problems are C and C++, but also assembly comes in handy quite often.

Currently I'm working with x86_64 assembly with the goal to achieve the C++ Institute Professional Certificate (CPP).
You may ask why assembly? Well if you understand the root, everything on top is just cosmetic.

All my projects are open source and it continues to be so, as I believe in the importance of sharing and caring of code with others and creating beautiful things with it.

Get Started!

Intentions all my projects should achieve and are made with

Steadily tested

Quality control is mandatory.
Else bugs would rotten the projects.

Ready to Ship

You can use my projects as is, or make changes as you like!
It's all open source!

Up to Date

I regulary improve and update projects to keep things fresh and tidy.

Made with Love

All my projects been created with
< LOVE >

Get to the point

Check out my repositories on Github!

You'll find many projects which are waiting for your ideas and improvements! Just bring them in!

Don't hesitate to fork, commit, issue a pull-request or to do other things!
It's all yours buddy.

> Lets do this <

Btw: The full source code of this website can be found there as well. (html/css/js)

Let's Get In Touch!

You got any question? Anything?
No matter what, just send me an email.
I will get back to you as soon as possible.

I ain't got a call center :-(